Wandering through La Mancha: a Quixotic Tale

Aaron M. Kahn
Translated Title: Por los caminos de la Mancha: un cuento quijotesco
  • Original language: en
  • Genre: drama


  • Date: 04/07/2019
  • Place: Community Centre, Bourne End
  • Country: Inglaterra
  • Director: Kerry Hudson
  • Theatre Company: Forum Players

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«Adapta algunos de los episodios más célebres, a saber, el enfrentamiento de don Quijote con los molinos (con un molino, en esta ocasión), los funerales de Grisóstomo, el yelmo de Mambrino, la liberación de los galeotes, la historia de Cardenio y el encuentro con el canónigo de Toledo, que pasa ahora a ser de Alcalá de Henares [...]. La ambigüedad de la narración propia de la obra original sobrevive aquí en el personaje del narrador, que se desdobla en tres narradores distintos (uno por cada acto) [...]. Dos personajes alegóricos, Ambición y Oportunidad, representan sobre escena los sentimientos que mueven al hidalgo a salir de su casa por primera vez para cumplir con su destino, convirtiéndose en un caballero andante» (introducción de la edición traducida en 2021, pp. 12-13).


DON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA, a bored minor nobleman who believes himself to be one of the knights-errant of old after reading so many tales of chivalry
SANCHO PANZA, local villager who becomes Don Quixote’s squire
TERESA PANZA, his wife
SANCHICA, their daughter
ESPERANZA, Don Quixote’s niece who worries about him and treks to find him
FR. PEREZ, the village priest
NICHOLAS, the village barber
AMBITION, who sparks Don Quixote’s resolve and desire to follow his destiny
OPPORTUNITY, who convinces Don Quixote that this is his chance for glory
SHEPHERD, whom Don Quixote and Sancho meet on their journey
AMBROSIO, shepherd and best friend of the late Chrysostom
Various SHEPHERDS who attend Chrysostom funeral
CHRYSOSTOM’s corpse, who has no lines
MARCELLA, the beautiful shepherdess blamed for the death of Chrysostom by Ambrosio
BARBER, a travelling barber surgeon whose basin Don Quixote commandeers thinking it is the legendary Helmet of Mambrino
OFFICIAL 1 and OFFICIAL 2, guarding a chain gang of slaves heading to the galleys
GALLEY SLAVE 1, GALLEY SLAVE 2 and GALLEY SLAVE 3, chained together heading for the galleys
GINES DE PASAMONTE, Galley Slave and author of his picaresque autobiography
CARDENIO, a star-struck lover whose lady love was stolen by his friend
LUSCINDA, his lady love forced away
DON FERNANDO, Cardenio’s treacherous friend who dumped his own love to steal Luscinda
DOROTEA, Don Fernando’s promised wife whom he left after setting eyes on Luscinda
THE CANON OF ALCALÁ DE HENARES, churchman who gets over-excited about book burning
NARRATOR 1, NARRATOR 2, and NARRATOR 3, who tell us the truth of the matter… or do they? 


  • Kahn, M. Aaron, Wandering Through La Mancha. A Quixotic Tale, en Quijotes en escena. Reescrituras teatrales de la novela cervantina, ed.  G. Carrascón, M. Fernández Ferreiro, E. Martínez Mata e I. Scamuzzi, Società Editrice Fiorentina, Firenze, 2019, pp. 197-239.
  • Kahn, M. Aaron,  Por los caminos de la Mancha: un cuento quijotesco, ed. M. Álvarez Álvarez, trad. M. Álvarez Álvarez y C. Chacón Alonso, Luna de Abajo, 2021, https://www.unioviedo.es/publicaciones_grec/index.php/coleccion-el-quijote-y-sus-interpretaciones-2/.


La obra introduce tres canciones (una en cada acto) extraídas de la primera parte de The Comical History of Don Quixote, de Thomas D'Urfey.

File details

  • Code: AU-Q.TH-5311
  • File Creator: María Fernández Ferreiro
  • Date of publication: 28/07/2022
  • Last updated: 28/07/2022